Dead Unicorn |
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In this episode:
We talk with Zac Shaw of the band Dead Unicorn
Here are Doug's notes from the interview.
Before we get into the interview, I just want to mention briefly that Catherine Casserly is stepping down a CC CEO.
Tell us about the band/project and tell us what’s new!
There’s Paul Heath! (who is at work)
bass and drums
guitar free since 2005!
concept album band
ridiculously ambitious albums with 7 albums
Code Red: Supervolcano
4 more planned…
end with...Rapture
MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (what did it take)
full-time job…$4300 isn’t bad, but isn’t rich and fame
yearly salary of $51,600
boutique record label
Music For End TImes
Where did the project name originate?
Probably really wasted!
Represent the death of innocence
full of existential dread!
impossible dream of life lasting forever
Not Dead Puppies!
Played a Sweet 16 party!
What drew you to Creative Commons?
Always been in to technology
Napster was going to change things.
Larry Lessig
Britney Spears!
How did you start with music?
started with drums.
grew up in Woodstock! (lots of recording studios)
lots of different genres. Band whore!
Some Action!
maybe Doug doesn’t have any Britney Spears scrobbles...couldn’t find them. 3 Lady Gaga scrobbles there.
Tell us about the band/project and tell us what’s new!
There’s Paul Heath! (who is at work)
bass and drums
guitar free since 2005!
concept album band
ridiculously ambitious albums with 7 albums
Code Red: Supervolcano
4 more planned…
end with...Rapture
MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (what did it take)
full-time job…$4300 isn’t bad, but isn’t rich and fame
yearly salary of $51,600
boutique record label
Music For End TImes
Where did the project name originate?
Probably really wasted!
Represent the death of innocence
full of existential dread!
impossible dream of life lasting forever
Not Dead Puppies!
Played a Sweet 16 party!
What drew you to Creative Commons?
Always been in to technology
Napster was going to change things.
Larry Lessig
Britney Spears!
How did you start with music?
started with drums.
grew up in Woodstock! (lots of recording studios)
lots of different genres. Band whore!
Some Action!
maybe Doug doesn’t have any Britney Spears scrobbles...couldn’t find them. 3 Lady Gaga scrobbles there.
Why do you use the the license you use?
-NC, but looking to go free culture
sync licensing?
were, but not so much now
media obsession now
the science is there
Sir Alex Ferguson
Subscription model?
Rabbit Rabbit
What sort of tools do you use to record?
Jason helped with first. Another producer for the second. For the last one they built a basement studio...where Zac is recording show.
Recording live drums is hard.
Band in a Month
What software do you use?
studio artist 1...bought nimbit ← Tom is NOT a fan
businesses are always going to try to take advantage
What are your other projects? ← the big one outside of Dead Unicorn ← consumer guide
Band in a Month
performance is one thing you can’t copy
CASH Music?
it’s a little geeked out, but better now!
Global Thermo Nuclear War crashed the site.
Jesse von Doom is a cool guy!
Do you tour?
They have...mostly on the east coast.
Both just had kids
“Dad Unicorn” until New Years!
Some aliens are good and some are evil. Very clearly.
Who are some people you think we should try to get on the show (aka, who are the important people in Creative Commons music today)?
Dr. Zilog, Jody Pou
Dead Unicorn was on Ryno’s show:
No one needs to save the music.
“Rock stars: is there anything they don’t know”
Is there anything else you would like to say/tell us about?
New album: 2014