Sunday, August 11, 2013

c3s - 130811 - Music Manumit Podcast



In this episode:
We talk with Holger Schwetter of the Cultural Commons Collecting Society, or C3S.
Here are Doug's notes from the interview. -- English -- German

Strange and Difficult Name: Cultural Commons Collecting Society

“C3S is a collaborative effort to found a new and ground-breaking European collecting society for musical creators being build with themselves participating. C3S is intended to become a non-exclusive collective society to register musicians' works outside of traditional schemes, released under Creative Commons non-commercial licences, but monetised in commercial use. More than that, C3S will offer registering works for commercial purpose released under other free licences as well, including those works released under no explicitly defined licences.” - website

Nice logo! Always important!

Tell us about C3S!

European collecting society

What exactly do collection agencies do?

some copyright used to be all about copies!

collecting societies are intermediaries

GEMA vs no one

CBC in 2010:

We’ve heard some people are unhappy with the new Jamendo contract (Azoora at the very list). Do you think Jamendo defections will help C3S or do you think people are going to walk away generally dissatisfied with “alternative” revenue streams?

Jamendo is individual licensing, but not collection agency as such

C3S might be working with Jamendo in the future!

Tom was trying to put stuff on Amazon, etc. Spotify, etc.

C3S isn’t doing.

Holger is interested though because it’s a way to bring the regular music industry and Creative Commons together

A couple of nuts and bolts questions:

Are there European-wide collecting societies now?

national societies and contracts among each other

European Commission wants Europe-wide collecting societies

Will start in Germany.

people are asking about things besides music

Just for clarity, is it just for Creative Commons musicians? What about Free Art license or other free culture licenses?

Not just Creative Commons...can also do classic copyright

only 5% of members of GEMA can vote.

Do you think the same type of organization could work in the US...ASCAP already allows CC?

Trent Reznor and ASCAP:

C3S is starting as a cooperative

As you just mentioned, you have a crowdfunding campaign going on. How’s that going?

Kickstarter does not allow shares...yet.

CC Global Summit in Argentina

Collecting societies are a topic at the conference

How many people in C3S are musicians?

in core team its 1 and 2 halves. A hip-hop producer

the swarm is 40-50 people.

Are they all CC musicians?


Quick last real question: why the name in English?

International collecting society...English is one of the most common languages in Europe

“. Between 1850 and 1900, large numbers of European immigrants followed them, including Germans, Scandinavians (the largest group being Norwegian), and smaller groups ofBelgians, Dutch, Swiss, Finns, Irish, Poles, Italians, and others. “

Is there anything else you want to share with us?

Many musicians don’t want to talk or think about copyright

Who else should we talk to in the CC community?
Danny Bruder ← Germany

Johnathan Coulton

Quick note from Doug on Kickstarter and securities

Holger says they are lucky, because of the German cooperative

cooperative is the perfect legal form for C3S

Here’s the information Holger sent us via email:

techdirt, english:

audio german:

text german:

here you find a list with our collection of articles, you may also pass this link, it´s public:

...and if you want some information on my dayjob: I do a PhD thesis within the research project „the productivity of culture“ at Goethe University Frankfurt ( with a grant from the Hans-Böckler-Foundation (the foundation of the german worker´s unions). working title: "sharing – what else? Free music distribution and how to make a living. Investigating the practices of musicians in independent popular culture with special focus on open content licences."

personal blog is here: