Saturday, July 27, 2013

Jazzcast Summer Series: Episode #7 with Edy The Mighty

Evan Whitfield in New Orleans

Edy is now among an elite group of Music Manumit guests which I have actually met in person. Edy and I met in The Birthplace of Jazz, New Orleans.

For anyone curious, the elite list includes Stephen, Mike Nutt, Paul Jones, (Lawcast, and future Punkcast guest) Pete Prodoehl, Nick Clark and, of course, (future Jazzcast guest) my dad.

So, things did not go as planned in this episode. We got a high pitch hum throughout the show. It does seem to affect the music though, so you can still enjoy that, even if you can't listen to the talking.

mp3 audio | ogg audio | torrent

Thanks, as always, to Ryno for twiddling the knobs! (and thanks for rooting out the cause of the hum!)

Oh, and if you're wondering where Episode #6 is, well, I had some editing problems with it too. I still think I can fix those though. And, if you're wondering why it took me so long to get this out, I have had some shoulder and wrist pain I've been dealing with.

Notes I took during the show after the break.

I don't think I mentioned the splitting of the feeds like I was supposed to, but hey, we split the feeds!

Tracks with
*** are the links where you can find the tracks.

Not 100% sure track title.
Edy is gonna do more recording in the future.

Fruity Loop Studio has SoundCloud integration.

Dixieland Jazz

The Apples

vibrant club scene in New Orleans

Maybe in public domain?
Big Bill Broonzy
Worryin You Off My Mind #1  ()

[19:53] <SirLongRock> oh man these antiques rival the bible
[19:53] <edythemighty> I bought an antique camera once. Oldest thing I ever owned.
