Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Jazzcast Summer Series: Episode #4 with Andrea from the FMA

Andrea on Twitter

On this week's Jazzcast, we have Andrea, from the Free Music Archive. Of course, all of her tracks are featured on the FMA! If you prefer to just listen to the music and not us talking, you can check out Andrea's playlist.

I should also mention that we had some serious problems with Skype this show. The music still sounds great, but there might be some weird edits with the discussion between tracks.

mp3 audio | ogg audio | torrent

"Balkan Beats" by Freak Fandango Orchestra (balkan) - CC BY-SA - Website
"C-mol Blues" by Jazz at Mladost Club (vocal jazz) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website
"Big Fun (New Ruckus)" by Slumgum (jazz) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website
"If I Can't Dance It's Not My Revolution" by Quantum Jazz (jazz) - CC BY-SA - Website
"If Jazz Is Dead (Can I Have All of Its Stuff?)" by The Chris Kelsey 4 (jazz) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website
"Invisible Walls" by Revolution Void (electronic jazz) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website

Thanks again to Ryno for producing the show!
You can listen to Ryno and Andrea on Unformatted: The Jazzcast After Party.

We've played Quantum Jazz before!

Our Christmas shows always have something from FMA: