Free Music Archive |
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In this episode:
We talk with Andrea Silenzi the Managing Director of the Free Music Archive at WFMU.
was volunteering with WFMU for 6 years.
Podcast: 7-second delay.
Worked for WNYC
then was in Kansas City
background is from producer perspective
Does a producer become more than a producer?
not exactly like a movie producer!
How’s the “Birthday song” project going?
Was on the Daily Beast, Slate, Wired UK and Tech Dirt!
Any other songs on the FMA hit list?
Repository of birthday songs!
Charlie’s Angels movie screen-writer is going to use it!
TV show would have been Aaron Spelling.
What are some of your ambitions for the future of FMA?
Three contests are planned! Remix media project grant.
Prelinger content contest was the first. The birthday contest
Revitalized Music Workshop is next
100,000 scores!
Structural changes:
improved search mood searching
license search is currently just a filter
Robots and people will both be used!
lots of free text searching in the old days
improve the FMA
What drew you to Creative Commons?
Creative Commons flickr search!
in KC, Andrea was an ambassador for CC
Emailing people on bandcamp, woohoo!
Why do you personally use the the license you use?
most recently did a fair use project, so couldn’t relicense.
What happened to the FMA forums?
Taken down due to spam!
SoundCloud recently got into the podcasting game: any thoughts on that happening with FMA?
When it was being born, there was some discussion
FMA is Ken’s brainchild
Working with YouTube’s content id system
FMA mobile app is coming up!
When is the FMA going to allow ogg uploads?
not right now
What are some of your favorite bands/artists/genres, CC or otherwise?
Das Racist
Slug Guts
Is there anything else you would like to say/tell us about?
SoundCloud recently got into the podcasting game: any thoughts on that happening with FMA?
When it was being born, there was some discussion
FMA is Ken’s brainchild
Working with YouTube’s content id system
FMA mobile app is coming up!
When is the FMA going to allow ogg uploads?
not right now
What are some of your favorite bands/artists/genres, CC or otherwise?
Das Racist
Slug Guts
Is there anything else you would like to say/tell us about?
Lots of things to be excited about!
New podcast starting: Believer and KCRW
New podcast starting: Believer and KCRW