Sunday, January 20, 2013

AVLinux - 130120 - Music Manumit Podcast


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In this episode:
We talk with Glen MacArthur creator of the multimedia studio operating system distribution AVLinux.

*Note* - Glen informed us that he was on a low bandwidth connection so there is some lag-time and connection issues during the interview.

Here are Doug's notes that he took during the interview.

  1. Give us an overview of your project

video and audio workstation...aka appliance

Tom gives his backstory, with pulse audio

Something about version 4 being updated twice!

AISO on Windows is a separate sound server too!
Core audio on Mac.
Jack on Linux

Sound card utilities help out a lot

  1. Is this really the last AV Linux?

Already address on Linux Musicians forum!
working on 6.0.1! Waiting for Ardour 3!

6 is the last one with Squeeze. We’ll see what happens with Wheezy!

  1. What’s up with Nautilus?

LXDE needs some config to run nautilus properly
light app named nitrogen

  1. What are your ambitions for the project?

started with Linux in 2006
Ardour was one of the main motivations
moved away from Ubuntu and to Debian

Renoise is amazing, so says Tom Ray!

Renoise allows to export as stem

Glen is an apolitical Linux user

  1. Ever thought of working with Ubuntu Studio or is there cross-talk?

Glen is more of a musician than a software developer, which can make working with other developers challenging.

  1. You’re big in Germany. What’s up with that? ← site down at the moment

  1. Is AV Linux your full-time distro?

Why Well, now you know!
It can be used for music business!

  1. What drew you to free software?

Was using Cubase and that got expensive!

Community came to be important

  1. What are your other projects, if any?

Plays in weekend cover band...but has his own music too.

  1. He’s in a band, you tour?

nope. Maybe a couple hours away!

  1. What are some of your favorite bands/artists/genres, CC or otherwise?

Sleeping with Sirens
Rise Against
Dallas Green
Foo Fighters
Kings of Leon
hip-hop, classic soul: Memphis and Motown

  1. So, what about Foo Fighters?

There’s a documentary!

  1. Who are some people you think we should try to get on the show (aka, who are the important people in Creative Commons music/music technology today)?

Doug tried Renoise, but they were too busy developing!
KXstudio guy ← triple threat!

people were critical to Ubuntu Studio at one point. Glen says that might not be far

  1. Is there anything else you would like to say/tell us about?

a quick clarification from Glen:
updated packages are not the point on AV Linux. Getting it right is the point!