Saturday, November 24, 2012

Music Only - 121123 - Music Manumit Podcast

Thanksgiving at the Trolls
Thanksgiving at the Trolls (Photo credit: martha_chapa95)

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Doug's Picks - There are only be so many Thanksgiving tracks...
  1. "Posser" by Fighting Spirit (Hardcore) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website
  2. "God Save The DJ" by WE ARE FM (dance rock) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website 
  3. "We Just Want Justice" by Breakdown (Hardcore) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website 
  4. "Thanksgiving fast" by Justin Robert (Eastern) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website  
  5. "Stand Off (on the top stair)" by Pitchman (punk) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website 
  6. "Thrash Metal 1983" by Metallic Ass (metal) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website
Tom's Picks
  1. "degrowth pt. 1" by tzara (Hip-Hop, Klezmer) - CC-BY-NC-SA - Website
  2. "Not Fit For Human Consumption" by Ant Neely (Electronic) - CC-BY-NC-SA - Website
  3. "Whispering Through" by Asura (Electronic, Hip-Hop Beats) - CC-BY - Website
  4. "Sneeuwland" by Oskar Schuster (Classical, Composed Music, Minimalism) - CC-BY-NC-SA - Website