Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Broken Cities - 120910 - Music Manumit Podcast

Broken Cities

mp3 audio | ogg audio | torrent

In this episode:
We talk with the band Broken Cities

Next week - Dogmazic

Here are Doug's notes from the interview.


Jason Cros
Guitar, Keyboards, Bass

Blake Parker

Jon Abinante

Tony Lowe
Guitar, Bass, Noise

Nick Zomkowski
Guitar, Mixing, Mastering, Engineering

Tell us about the band!
how large is the drum kit
Double Bass! metric ton of cymbals!
guitar and bass (via Tony)
very big pedal board!
there’s no stopping Blake from being loud
used to be two drum kits put together

Where did the band name originate?
Very long email thread of three of the current members

What does the band sound like?
“black symphony”
lots of varying
Mastadon and “various

What are your ambitions for the project?
West Coast tour next summer!

Do you/did you tour?
A couple shows in support of the new EP
New EP is first “album” with the full band

What drew you to Creative Commons?

Your bandcamp page specifically says to “Remix it.” -- have their been any good remixes?
Get invited on awesome podcasts!
Also, music video for Asty!

What about stems?
not yet

Why do you use the the license you use?
Hope to eventually make some money!
Got placed on a TV show! 16 and Pregnant!

You mentioned via email that you got some sort of bump from CCHits. Can you tell us about that?
Power Puff Girls and Twilight
SEO was a factor in deciding the name!

What is the Creative Commons culture like in the Bay Area?
Let Fall The Sparrow -- Lily is the bassist!

What are your other projects, if any?
All your bass are belong to us!
Dungeon and Dragons radio show!
Space Diamonds is just chat about Science Fiction, Comics and stuff. It’s sorta related to the band...but not really.

What are some of your favorite bands/artists/genres, CC or otherwise?
VC MG ← used for Space Diamonds
Andrew WK

Beach Boys

Sigor Ros

Jason says via Skype text:
[22:19:27] Jason: Mogwai
[22:19:31] Jason: Ex in sky
[22:19:38] Jason: Russian Circles
[22:19:41] Jason: Mono
[22:19:55] Jason: Sigors

John: Jam Bands, metal, String Cheese Incident -- all over the place

Who are some people you think we should try to get on the show?
Vince Chai Chan?
Let’s try to get Cory Doctorow on, maybe?

Is there anything else you would like to say/tell us about?
It might show up on Bing. No one knows!