English: New Logo of the gnome's music player Rhythmbox. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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In this episode:
We check in again with our friend Jon Spriggs of CCHits.net to see what's new.
Here are Doug's notes from the show.
Previous show: Link
CCHits is almost a year and a half old!
Where the #$#*& is the site!?!? (when it was down for 9 days!)
Information on the site can be found at http://cchits.net/about/
Jon wrote Campfire Manager, which is PHP (like CCHits)!
API: http://code.cchits.net/index.php?title=API
Scripts is the show-maker
“Please note, this site is NOT INDEXED by any search engines due to spam. The site is regularly checked for instances of spam and that traffic is removed and the creator is banned.”
“The source code for everything driving cchits.net is available in the Git Repositories at Gitorious.”
Was using DSL, then moved to EC2 (Amazon).
Any news on the revenue front?
No time these days, because Jon has a son!
They play Creative Commons in Subway! (in Europe)
“Based in Luxembourg, Jamendo is multilingual.“ ← http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamendo
QR Code? What’s up with that?
QR codes, you say? http://radiofreeferall.wordpress.com/
What’s next for CCHits?
CCHits support in Rhythmbox? No Jon says.
Flattr button scraped from other websites? If only he had time.
Follow-up from last time: any news on transmission front?
May have changed, but Jon doesn’t know about it.
Contact Jon at show@cchits.net