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Tom's picks
- "Werewolf [ARIOK SPACE WOLVES REMIX]" by Figure (dubstep, electronic) - CC-BY - Website
- "All Nite Long" by Kapten (electronic) - CC-BY-NC-SA - Website
- "Peregrinos M2" by Delirata 1983 (Candombe) - CC-BY-SA - Website
- "stbb231 floating" by beatfux aka sysout (Hip-Hop) - CC-BY - Website
As this show is released I'll be somewhere between Madison, WI and Concord, NH on my way to the fourth ranked intellectual property law school in the nation. If you don't like the term "intellectual property," well, that's what they call it when they rank them - not my words.
- "Work Sux" by Loudog (punk) - CC BY-SA - Website
- "I hate my work" by SOB Pariassound (post-punk) - CC BY-SA - Website
- "Loose Ends" by Sounds Like Chicken (ska) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website
- "End of Days" by Severed Fifth (metal) - CC BY-SA - Website
- "Truck Driving Slow Fuck" by SOB Pariassound (post-punk) - CC BY-SA - Website
- "New Friends" by Loudog (ska) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website