Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Music Manumit Podcast - We Got Your Graphs - 101018

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In this episode:
Tom recaps his visit to BarcampMKE and talks a little about his participation in Goodstock a 24hr event dedicated to helping promote non-profits. Here's a link of Tom coding outside at 2 in the morning while the movie Face Off was being projected on the side of the building.
The RIAA's lawsuit campaign? KISS frontman Gene Simmons says it was run by people without the "balls" to sue collegiate file-swappers, down to the very last freckle-faced malefactor. --link
Choosing and Using Free Licenses for music? We got a chart to explain it.
More Musicians Stand Up for Net Neutrality and send out a letter to support it. Tom asks shouldn't there be some more relevant ones involved, Doug says they are. We discuss! --link