Thursday, September 2, 2010

Music Manumit Podcast - 30 Minutes Fair | 100902

IMG_0430Image by Dave Malkoff via Flickr
In this episode:
Are wooden head-phones better than regular ones?

Musician Shamantis uses a Justin Bieber song as an example for an open-source audio program he wrote. Does that fit under the category of fair use?

The President of the Songwriters Guild of America says creative commons is bad for musicians. Is he right? Or does he just not get it. Kinda reminded us of the old "Napster Bad!" cartoons from back in the day. ups it's support of CC licensing and changes the embedable player to show it. - Another site in the growing online platforms that distribute CC music. A trend we like!

And Doug looks into the pursuit of one man's search for Free Licensed Japanese Pop Music with Wacca.Fm's XMLRPC API

mp3 audio | ogg audio