We talk about the ASCAP letter to musicians asking for support (and money) to STOP creative commons.
We wonder and wait to see what this years Free! Music!
Contest at musik.klarmachen-zum-aendern.de will have to offer.
Doug talks a bit about the Pirate Party in Sweden and the good effects of copyrite. http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/pirate-party.html
Open video participation - the YouTube "Life in a day" video project. How will they do it?
Users make the videos for the bands?! Visit genero.tv and check it out.
Do you ever find the need for some stock video footage or collections of strange PSA films check out the Prelinger Archives
What services let you release music videos under creatve commons? Well... Check out blip.tv! You even get a cut of the advertising revenue. Nice!
And Doug mentions the links he found proving Tom wrong about his original thoughts on how general copyright works
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