Sunday, August 22, 2010

Music Manumit Music Only Podcast - 100822

NeSSIImage via Wikipedia
Doug's picks:
  1. "Far From Chicago" by Cavanaugh (acoustic) - CC BY-SA - Website (in honor of BarCampChicago)
  2. "Alle, die mit uns den Bundestag entern" by Die Bordkapelle - CC BY-SA
  3. "Girls Don't Game" by The Scare Bears (Nintendocore) - CC BY-SA - Website (NOTE: many of you are likely to find this offensive. I find things like this humorous. Consider yourself warned).
  4. "Now Get Busy" by Beastie Boys (hip hop) off - The WIRED CD: Rip. Sample. Mash. Share - CC-NC-Sampling+
  5. "Strip-Teaser" by Anniela (unadulterated pop) - CC BY-SA - Website
  6. "Peggy Sue" by The Hall Monitors - garage - CC BY-NC-SA - Website
I tried to get a Christian song to balance out The Scare Bears and Anniela, but was down when I was searching and I couldn't find anything on Free Music Archive. Send us your suggestions!

Tom's picks:
  1. "Metro" by Booyuko (instrumental indie) - CC-BY-NC-SA - Website
  2. "I Want to Lose Control" by Gary Wilson (Rock) - CC-BY-NC-SA - Website
  3. "Boum" by Lee Maddeford (20th Century Classical) - CC-BY-NC-SA - Website
  4. "raymondscott" by junior85 (Electronic, Audio Collage) - CC-BY-NC-SA - Website
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