Friday, December 9, 2011

Music Manumit Music Only Podcast - 111209

2500 Creative Commons Licenses
Image by qthomasbower via Flickr
mp3 audio | ogg audio

Doug's Picks
  1. "Before" by Shoulder of Orion (metal) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website
    License Warning for Listeners: I am waiting to hear back from Joe of Copyleft Records about the license of this track. I assume it is Copyleft's standard license, but just want to be sure.
  2. "Severna (White Ash Sessions)" by A Troop of Echoes - CC BY-NC-SA - Website
    The band told me this was the license via I don't know if it says that anywhere online. This band hasn't been CC in the past, so make sure you show them you appreciate them allowing you to remix the track!
Tom's Picks
  1. "The Great Break-off" by The Insider (Hip-Hop) - CC-BY-SA - Website
  2. "Hello, This is Tech Support" by Tinyfolk (Pop, Folk, Lo-fi) - CC-BY-SA - Website
  3. "Gun gus gus (dimanche soare)" by Alaclair Ensemble (hip-hop) - CC-BY-SA - Website
  4. "Stargazing" by Chamomile (lo-fi) - CC-BY - Website